Christ UMC Ministry Center

May 23, 2005

The following article came to me from The Methodist Foundation last week. I find it to be an informative “wake up call” for urban churches. I also find it encouraging that we, at Christ UMC, have already begun to address the issues. Please read, with attention to the phrases I underlined.

Five Issues Congregations Must Face in the Next 10 Years
By Shane Stanford

The following are five issues identified as “rising Stewardship issues” for congregations over the next 10 years.

1. The “Graying of the Church”: As the average age of congregations continues to rise, the financial implications for the local church are significant. Increased focus must be placed on educating younger generations in terms of tithing and sacrificial giving. Other implications include uncertain futures for corporate pensions, Social Security issues and personal financial behavior.
2. Personal Financial Dysfunction: The consumer and long term debt of Americans is rising, inhibiting faithful financial participation in the local church.
3. Technology Investment: As the culture changes, so do methodologies… As churches move further into the 21st century, an increase in technology will become important for effectively communicating the message and connecting the faithful. This phenomenon will become an issue for smaller churches as well as larger ones.
4. Capital Investment for Facility Improvements and Maintenance: In part referring to numbers 1 & 2, facility concerns will increase in the next 10 years as churches (especially those in transition) face increased capital costs for improvements and maintenance. More creative use of facilities, including out/in sourcing of space will become more commonplace.
5. The Other Stewardship Resource Development Question: Time and spiritual gifts join money as the other crucial elements of stewardship and are also valuable resources in today’s world. Churches must focus specifically on the calling forth, training and sending of volunteers in systemic ways to maximize the increasingly valuable commodity of a person’s time.

We have already begun to address items #1, #3 and #4. The new model for us is Christ UMC "Ministry Center", where four congregations, a half dozen weekday ministries for youth, women, refugees, and the economically oppressed, plus twelve step organizations who help people win vistories over addictive behavior, unite to do far more together than any of us can do the honor and glory of our Lord Jesus Christ.

Anita and I love and appreciate you all for your faithfulness and hard work in the face of incredible challenges and opportunities.

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